Reply to ST Forum letter “Government must take the lead”
Public Service supports former offenders in job applications
We thank Mr Raymond Anthony Fernando for his letter, “Government must take the lead” (The Straits Times, 23 May).
When applying for a job in the Public Service, candidates are required to declare if they suffered, or are suffering from any medical conditions. This is because pre-existing medical conditions may influence the candidate’s suitability and ability to perform the job.
On the issue of job seekers with prior criminal convictions, the Public Service amended its job application form in 2006 to ask applicants to declare if they have criminal records instead of whether they have ever been convicted in court. This means that an applicant whose criminal record has been spent would not need to declare a previous conviction. The Public Service made this change in support of the Yellow Ribbon Campaign, to help former offenders who committed minor offences reintegrate into society.
Tan Hoe Soon (Mr)
Director, Career Development and Management
Public Service Division, Prime Minister’s Office